RINGO: These two right here are ones to watch. They have the skills, and most importantly, seem to have the fan support as well.
DOC: No question about it. Both are very technical wrestlers who also are just as happy brawling if required. By far two of the most talented and experienced ladies in the fed and I think they will go far.
RINGO: I agree. But these things don't play out on paper.
DOC: Indeed. They play out on a computer screen.
RINGO: Come again?
DOC: As you like to say..............."Nevermind that".
Ariel and Cheyenne wore identical outfits. Both ladies donned a tan triangle top with with white trim, matching tan bunhuggers, and tan wrestling boots. What was quite noteworthy were the bunhuggers both ladies donned had silver zippers on the front of them.
DOC: A match where the losers have to "service" the winners.......and Cheyenne and Ariel have ZIPPERS on the front of their bunhuggers.
RINGO: How "fitting".
DOC: Nice pun.
RINGO: Not my best, but thanks!
In dramatic PPV fashion.......a red carpet was laid out for Ariel X as two stagehands placed a crown above her head and handed her a silver scepter. Ariel playfully invited Cheyenne to walk in front as she smiled and led the two of them to the ring.
RINGO: Ariel is finally playing up the angle of "THE DUCHESS". She claims to be wrestling royalty and considers herself among the best.
DOC: No. Ariel thinks she IS the best. She has a big ego just like the rest of these girls and she was telling me the other day that she badly wants the World Championship and is going to challenge for it very soon.
RINGO: She has the confidence and the skill. Cheyenne Jewel made her debut against Onyx last episode and pulled out a very decisive win.
DOC: These fans are going nuts Ringo!
RINGO: What?
DOC: Exactly.
Both ladies entered the ring as pyro exploded from the top of the turnbuckles. Both ladies stood side by side in the ring and then broke out into a dramatic pose as they both smiled and gave each other a football slap on each of their respective asses.
The two were in very good spirits as they awaited the entrance of Cherrygirl69 & Trisha Uptown.
Suddenly, a slot machine appeared on the big video tron above the entrance. The slot machine spun around briskly and then stopped on Triple Cherries. Cherry colored smoke started rising from the entranceway as cherry colored lights lasered around the ring and arena.
Big puffs of smoke shot out and Cherrygirl69 came walking intently out of the aisleway with a dog chain around a happy Trisha Uptown's throat. The crowd had a very loud mixed response for the entrance, but then exploded, when they noticed that Cherrygirl69 and Trisha Uptown were walking to the ring completely naked!
DOC: They are coming to this match naked! Is that legal Ringo?
RINGO: Are you gay? Hell yes it's legal!
DOC: Alrighty then!
RINGo: Give me a hell yea!
DOC: Hell yea!
Ariel and Cheyenne seemed to be amused by the display as Cherry and Trisha were now on the outside of the ring. Cherry unhooked the dog collar and ordered Trisha Uptown inside. Trisha happily slid in and jumped to her feet as she pointed at Cheyenne and Ariel, smiled, and then pointed to her naked pussy.
RINGO: There is heaven on earth Doc. It's this matchup we are about to have.
DOC: Huh?
RINGO: Precisely.
As Doc eyes were transfixed, Cherry jumped into the ring, and called out to Ariel and Cheyenne.
CHERRY: After you eat us out........you will also be joining my "Kiss my Cherry Breast" club.....just so you know.
Ariel and Cheyenne looked at each other and then Ariel responded.
ARIEL: See this silver scepter right here?
Cherry shook her head "yes".
ARIEL: You keep getting smart with me........and it's going up your ass.
Cherry grimaced at the idea of that, especially considering that she was completely nude and easily accessible. Trisha spoke up however.
TRISHA: "This" is going into your mouth. I want to feel some tongue babes.
CHEYENNE: I hope you brushed your teeth. No idea where that mouth has been.
TRISHA: Oh really?
CHEYENNE: Can I show you something?
TRISHA: Sure....
Trisha walked towards Cheyenne and Cheyenne laced a hard slap across her face!
CHEYENNE: Pleasure to meet you. I'm the "BITCH SLAPPER"........
Before Cheyenne could finish her statement, a totally nude Trisha Uptown tackled her to the ground.

- 10 Second Pins
- Submissions allowed
- Falls must take place in the ring
- No Countouts
- Girls who use foreign objects will not only be disqualified, but banned from the fed
Ariel and Cherrygirl69 were whisked to their corners by the referee and the match was underway!
The two women brawled on the canvas and Cherry got the better part of the early exchange as she pulled Cheyenne up to her feet. As soon as they got to their feet, Cheyenne launched into a lockup with Cherry, but Cherry was not going to test her early power as she stepped to the side and slammed a knee into her stomach.
Cherry then launched a searing chop across Cheyenne's chest and performed an eye rake. Cheyenne stumbled around while Cherry grabbed her by the wrist and whipped her into the ropes. When Cheyenne returned, Cherry slammed into her with a shoulder block that roughly knocked Cheyenne to the mat.
Cherry stayed on the attack as she yanked Cheyenne to her feet, grabbed her by the wrist, and pulled her back to her as she attempted to sock Cheyenne in the mouth. Cheyenne quickly ducked under, spun around, and landed a big punch across Cherry's face.
Cherry stumbled backwards and Cheyenne pushed her against the ropes. Cheyenne went to whip Cherry into the far ropes, but Cherry reversed the move, and sent Cheyenne instead. Cheyenne bounced back and Cherry ran forward with a wild clothesline, but it missed it's mark as Cheyenne ran across and bounced off the other ropes. Cheyenne returned and Cherry tried to nail another wild clothesline, but missed again, as Cheyenne AGAIN ran off the far ropes.
Cheyenne decided to jump into the air, springboard off the 2nd rope, and then she went flying back towards Cherry and nailed her in the breasts with a springboard dropkick!
RINGO: Beautiful move!
DOC: It's also a beautiful view.
RINGO: Ha. I'm sure you are watching this match "very" closely.
DOC: Yes sir I am.
Cherry went flipping to the side and tagged in Trisha Uptown!
Trisha's totally nude body entered the ring and she ran straight for Cheyenne Jewel. Cheyenne laced her with a big punch to the head and Trisha hit the deck quickly. Cheyenne helped her to her feet and grabbed both of her naked nipples and squeezed roughly.
CHEYENNE: How does that feel?
TRISHA: Ahhhhhhhh! You bitch!
Trisha landed an eye poke in Cheyenne's eye and then jumped up into the air and nailed a jumping punch to Cheyenne's head. Trisha pulled Cheyenne up to her feet and attempted to whip her to the corner where Cherry was standing. However, Cheyenne reversed the move, and sent Trisha instead. Trisha slammed into the turnbuckle, but had the quick presence of mind to tag Cherry.
Trisha went stumbling out of the corner as Cheyenne grabbed her around the midsection and lifted her up vertically. Cheyenne was about to perform a move, but Cherrygirl was climbing up the ropes at the same time this was happening. Cherry launched off the top rope and kicked Trisha Uptown in the back as the momentum caused her to fall forward as she was now on top of Cheyenne Jewel.
DOC: Gotta love those flying nude breasts of glory.
Trisha quickly climbed forward and locked Cheyenne Jewel in a nude facesit as she jiggled around on Cheyenne's face and tossed her arms into the air.
DOC: Oh my!
RINGO: Boo-yah.
Trisha got up fairly quickly after about 10 seconds of nude facesitting fun and then stood up to her feet as Cherry and Trisha landed double elbow drops to Cheyenne on the canvas.
Trisha started to return to her corner, but instead ran over and slammed a big fist into Ariel X's head as she dropped off the apron and fell to the outside. Trisha let out a laugh as she jumped on Cheyenne's stomach and then jumped off as she skipped happily back to the corner.
DOC: Ariel was caught sleeping!
RINGO: Yes, and I think Trisha just used Cheyenne's stomach as a trampoline.
Cherry pulled Cheyenne back to her feet, but Cheyenne quickly laced into her with a knife-edged chop. Cherry was not fazed as she quickly reversed positions with Cheyenne, spun her around, and landed a big chop of her own across Cheyenne's neckline. Cherry then grabbed Cheyenne by the hair and backed her up to the corner. Cherry lowered her shoulder and rammed a shoulderblock into Cheyenne's midsection as Cherry's big naked breasts flopped while doing so.
Cherry then nailed 3 more hard shoulder blocks into Cheyenne's stomach, as her mouth was left agape. With a smile on her face, Cherry whipped Cheyenne into the opposite corner, and then came running in behind her as she lodged a big jumping knee into Cheyenne's back.
Cherry flipped Cheyenne around, climbed on the 2nd turnbuckles, and shoved her big breasts into Cheyenne's face. Cheyenne started to struggle, but Cherry wrapped her arms around Cheyenne along with her legs around her midsection. Cheyenne walked out of the corner drunkingly without being able to see, as Cherry's large breasts easily smothered and covered her face and vision.
DOC: A nude breastsmother sleeper. Very nice!
RINGO: VERY nice. Actually.
DOC: Thanks for the correction.
RINGO: My pleasure.
Cheyenne ended up shoving Cherry forcefully off of her as Cherry's back hit the mat. Cheyenne then performed a standing dropkick that nailed Cherry's straight in the forehead as Cherry's head went straight backwards and crashed across the mat. Cheyenne struggled a bit, but managed to crawl over to Ariel X who was now back on the apron as she made the tag.
Ariel X jumped into the ring with fire and energy and started running towards Cherrygirl69. However, at the last second, Ariel tornadoed around and socked Trisha Uptown upside the head with a big swinging fist as Trisha hit the deck on the outside!
DOC: A little payback right there!
RINGO: Big punch from Ariel!
Ariel then pulled Cherrygirl to her feet and landed a few elbow drops on the back of her neck. Ariel then pulled Cherry over to the corner where Cheyenne was standing, tagged her in, and then climbed the ropes and caught Cherry's skull in a headscissors.
Cheyenne entered the ring, bounced like fire off the rope, and then came running back and landed a big dropkick into Cherry's stomach as her head was trapped by Ariel's legs who was balancing herself on the top turnbuckles with both hands.
Cherry doubled down into a ball as Ariel X climbed back through the ropes as Cheyenne started the attack.
Cheyenne climbed to the top turnbuckle, waited while perched, and then leaped and drove Cherry's skull into the canvas with a flying bulldog. The brunette rolled her opponent onto her back and covered her for the pin.
Cherry pushed out!
Cherry tried to roll over and stand up but Cheyenne slammed a boot into the Cherry's stomach and applied a quick wristlock. Cheyenne landed another kick, and another, to Cherry's midsection and then leaped into the air and nailed Cherry with an enziguri to the back of her head.
Cheyenne then locked on an armbar and started ramping up the pressure as Cherry screamed for help.
Trisha Uptown immediately entered the ring and nailed a flying axehandle across the top of Cheyenne's head. Cheyenne released the armbar as Ariel came steaming into the ring. The referee actually got in her way, and blocked her path, as he was watching Ariel when Trisha entered illegally.
Trisha and Cherry started laying the boots on Cheyenne Jewel while the referee was not looking and then pulled her over to their corner. Cherry sat her naked rear-end on Cheyenne's face and spread her legs apart as Trisha Uptown climbed the top turnbuckle.
The referee had returned his attention to them now as he ran across the ring. However, Ariel X re-entered the ring, and ran forward and blasted a big running knee to the back of Cherry's neck. Cherry's face fell forward onto Cheyenne's groin as Cheyenne had the presence of mind to snap her legs together. While this was happening, Trisha Uptown was flying through the air with a headbutt..........but ended up going headfirst into Cheyenne's outstretched boots!
DOC: That's gotta hurt!
RINGO: I would say!
Trisha flopped to the side as Cheyenne released the headscissors and pulled Cherry up with her. Cheyenne punched Cherry in the stomach, bounced off the rope, and tried to nail a jumping scissors kick across the back of Cherry's neck. Cherry moved at just the last second and then dove forward and grabbed the bottom ropes as the referee made Cheyenne back off.
Cherry then pulled herself to her feet and danced around a bit as she wanted to lock up with Cheyenne. Cheyenne obliged, and the two locked up in the center of the ring. Cherry attempted a hip toss, but Cheyenne blocked it, and flipped Cherry over instead. Cherry landed solidly on her feet, dropped to her knees, and then landed a thunderous uppercut between Cheyenne's legs that brought a very loud scream from Cheyenne along with it!
Cheyenne dropped straight down to her knees, with her legs quivering, as she then slumped to the side on the mat.
Cherry roughly pulled on Cheyenne's hair and dragged her to the corner where Trisha's hand was outstretched. Cherry took the liberty of ripping a forearm into Cheyenne's jaw as Trisha grabbed a handful of Cheyenne's hair and yanked backwards until the back of Cheyenne's head was against Trisha's closed knees as she was sitting. Cherry then grabbed Cheyenne by the hair and started bouncing her pussy up and down on her face as the crowd went wild!
CHERRY: Let's see that tongue Cheyenne!
Cheyenne moved her head from side to side as the referee was counting Cherry down. Cherry finally removed her pussy from Cheyenne's face around the "4" count as Cheyenne fell to the canvas.
DOC: Cheyenne has been getting an ample.......ahem.......face full so far wouldn't you say Ringo?
RINGO: They are obviously trying to warm her up for later if they win this match.
DOC: They are looking good so far. Talent wise and nude.
Trisha placed her boot across Cheyenne's throat and pressed down as Cheyenne kicked her legs and struggled. Trisha eased up and pulled Cheyenne up to her feet. Trisha pushed Cheyenne back into their corner, where Cherry placed her arm around Cheyenne's neck and choked her out with one arm.
While Cherry was doing this, Trisha was blitzing Cheyenne with big left and right hand closed hand blows to the stomach.
Trisha then pulled Cheyenne to her feet after the referee break, and stuck her hands down Cheyenne's bikini bottom as she tried to shove her fingers in her pussy. Cheyenne quickly reacted, and stomped her boot across Trisha's right barefoot, as the sexy and nude blonde beauty started to hop around on one foot briefly from the pain.
Cheyenne charged forward towards Trisha, but Trisha ran forward at the same time and took Cheyenne out with a running clothesline! Trisha angrily ripped Cheyenne to her feet and laced her with an open-handed slap, and then an even bigger backhanded that sent Cheyenne falling back down to the mat.
TRISHA: "The Bitch Slapper".........just got slapped!
Trisha tried to slap Cheyenne one more time, but Cheyenne grabbed two handfuls of Trisha's hair, hoisted her entire body up into the air, and then tossed her across the ring with a hairlift!
DOC: This might turn into a catfight Ringo!
RINGO: Gosh. I hate catfights........
DOC: Sure you do, sure.
Cheyenne backed up and walked over to Ariel X as she tagged her in,
Ariel entered the ring with a lot of energy as it was obvious she was chomping at the bit to get in after sitting on the sideline for so very long. Trisha tried to get to her feet, but Ariel ran forward and absolutely leveled Trisha with a Lou Thesz Press. (tackle into a mount)
It was then "bombs away" for Ariel X as she blasted Trisha Uptown with big left and right handed closed fist punches as Trisha tried everything in her power to cover up. Ariel showed her strength and pulled Trisha up clean to her feet, scooped her up and dropped Trisha stomach first across her knee! Trisha rolled to the side as Cherry entered the ring and received a big punch to the forehead for her efforts!
Ariel hoisted Trisha up on her shoulders, spun around with an airplane spin, and then started jumping up and down as she had Trisha locked in a torture rack. Trisha screamed loudly as Cherrygirl69 had gotten back to her feet. Cherry tried to charge Ariel X, but Cheyenne Jewel entered the ring and roughly tackled Cherry to the ground as she started leveling her with big right hands.
Trisha managed to slither out of the torture rack successfully, and slid off of Ariel's shoulders, but Ariel quickly yanked Trisha up and locked on a front facelock. Trisha tried to resist, to no avail, so Ariel grabbed a handful of Trisha's shorts and hoisted her into the air.
Trisha was inverted upside down as Ariel held her there for 6 seconds, and then brought her head crashing straight down into the mat with a brainbuster!
DOC: Devastating move!
RINGO: It can end careers.
Cheyenne and Cherry had been cleared from the ring at this point as they both stood ready in their respective corners. Ariel pulled a very heavy legged Trisha to her feet and hoisted her up into bodyslam position. Ariel carried Trisha's totally nude body over to the turnbuckles and placed Trisha on the very top rope. Ariel then took a couple of steps back, ran towards the middle rope near the buckle, leaped off of it, and then nailed a leg drop across Trisha's neck as she fell off the top turnbuckles and tumbled hard on the mat!
RINGO: Another big move by Ariel. She is Bringing it!
DOC: She works for We Bring It you know.
RINGO: Very apt I would say. So does Cheyenne for that matter.
Ariel then jerked Trisha to the feet, hooked a half-nelson, and drove her backwards with a half-nelson suplex as her head crashed hard into the mat. Ariel tagged Cheyenne Jewel back in as Ariel grabbed Trisha by the hair as Cheyenne Jewel unzipped her bunhugger zipper.
Ariel then shoved Trisha's face into her pussy and rubbed it hard as Cherrygirl was getting livid on the other side!
CHERRY: That's my girl!
Ariel released Trisha's head as Trisha fell to the side and gasped for air while half-smiling. Cheyenne and Ariel quickly discussed strategy as Trisha was trying hard to pull herself up on the ring ropes. Cheyenne started landing some kicks to Trisha's abdomen as Ariel X jumped off the apron near her ring corner. Ariel X snuck around the side of the ring and then pulled Cherrygirl69 off the apron by the leg as Cherry's head crashed across the apron.
Ariel X mounted her and tried to keep her on the ground on the outside.
With Trisha on her stomach, Cheyenne then went into full attack mode, as she immediately started pulling Trisha's arms backwards, bent her body in a reverse "C", and then went to snap her strong legs across Trisha's skull, but Trisha powered quickly to the side.
Trisha surprised Cheyenne as she leaped on top of her, crawled forward, artfully locked Cheyenne's arms under her legs and say directly on Cheyenne's nose with her facesitting finisher................"THE HUMMER"!
The crowd was in shock as the referee jumped down to count.
Just before "10" Cheyenne managed to buck Trisha off of her! Cherrygirl was starting to gain an advantage on Ariel X on the outside, as Cherrygirl was on top of her with a full body press and pressed her boobs directly into Ariel's face!
Trisha knew she had a big opportunity to end this match as she pulled Cheyenne up to her feet. Trisha slapped her across the face, kicked her in the stomach, and then pulled her head in between her nude thighs as she had Cheyenne bending over locked in piledrive position.
Trisha took her free hand and ran it down Cheyenne's panties as she struggled, as she stuck her finger in Cheyenne's pussy, and then pulled it out and smelled it. Trisha got a mockingly sour look on her face, as she hoisted Cheyenne up into the air, and attempted to drop Cheyenne on her head.
However, Cheyenne started struggling, Trisha accidently dropped her, and Cheyenne put two big boots to Trisha's face on the way down! Trisha backpeddaled and bounced into the ring ropes. When she walked back forward, Cheyenne took her down with a crippler crossface, bent Trisha's body into a reverse "C" from behind her, pulled her arms back, and then snapped her strong legs across her face with a headscissors!
DOC: She calls this "THE BITCH CLAMP".
RINGO: That bitch is clamped! No question!
Cherrygirl noticed the predicament that Trisha was in as she got up off Ariel X and dove into the ring. However, it was too late, as Trisha Uptown frantically slapped the mat for her submission.
The Winners of this Tag Team Matchup...........Ariel X and Cheyenne Jewel!
Big cheers from the fans!
RINGO: They won it!
DOC: Look at Cherry!
Cherry was absolutely livid as she dropped to her hands and knees and started pulling on her hair. Ariel X dove into the ring and started smiling and laughing as she helped Cheyenne Jewel to her feet and gave her a high five. Ariel and Cheyenne started playing to the fans as they knew what time it was.
DOC: It's time for the losers to do some kissing.
RINGO: Oh baby!
Cheyenne Jewel and Ariel X both unzipped their bunhuggers to massive cheers from the fans. Both ladies were now fully exposed from the waist down as Cheyenne grabbed a handful of Trisha's hair and forced her to her knees. Trisha knew what was going on as she looked up at Cheyenne, fluttered her eyes, and then launched her head into Cheyenne's naked groin as she started licking and kissing away!
DOC: Trisha Uptown didn't need much persuasion there!
RINGO: Obviously not!
Cherrygirl was angry as could be as she ran over and pulled Trisha's head out after about 15 seconds of servicing. Cherry hauled off and slapped Trisha across the face as Trisha sat on her knees, totally nude, looking dejected.
CHERRY: You and I are going to have a talk.........
Cherry's lecture to Trisha was short lived as Ariel X grabbed Cherry by the hair. Cherry tried to swing at her, but Cheyenne grabbed her arm from behind and locked Cherrygirl69 up in a full nelson.
ARIEL: It's time Cherry. You lost. Now get down and worship "THE DUCHESS".
Cherry sneered something horrible and tried with all her might to struggle and get away. Cheyenne kicked the backs of Cherry's knees and forced her to her knees. Ariel then moved forward and grabbed Cherry's hair as she roughly and savagely forced Cherry's face into her muff.
Ariel bounced up and down a bit and was having some fun, but then turned a bit angry as she addressed Cherry.
ARIEL: I want to feel tongue and kissing........NOW!
Ariel bounced harder and harder so Cherry finally complied as Ariel's senses went up a notch as she felt the cool kiss and the expert tongue of Cherrygirl69. Cherry did not do this for long, however, as about 7 seconds later she pulled her head away and forced her face into the mat as she buried it from attention.
Cheyenne then released Cherry and Ariel and Cheyenne exchanged high-fives.
Both ladies left the ring to a gigantic fan reaction.
DOC: Well folks. Ariel X and Cheyenne Jewel are your winners!
RINGO: In more way than one!
DOC: You got that right.
RINGO: Up next, the stakes are high for Samantha Grace. She is going to face off against one of the most feared participants
in Catfight Fantasy Girls, April Hunter.
DOC: Samantha is vying to become the number 1 contender if she wins the match. But, if she loses, she has to be April
Hunter's slave for 3 shows!
RINGO: That would be interesting!
DOC: Will "The Prize" tame "The Villian"?
RINGO: Or will "The Villian" take "The Prize"?
DOC: We will find out. NEXT!
Ariel X & Cheyenne Jewel - 160 Votes (59 Percent)
Cherrygirl69 & Trisha Uptown - 110 Votes (41 Percent)
Help them enjoy their victory by visiting their websites and financially supporting them!
Official Website of Ariel X
Official Website of Cheyenne Jewel
Up Next!
April Hunter vs Samantha Grace - #1 Contender's Match
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