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- Ringo -

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Chapter 5 - Hostile Takeover - Ringo explores his Options

The cameras panned to the back where Johnny Ringo was talking to his lawyer.

LAWYER:   Look Johnny.   You were blindsided.  We all were blindsided here.
RINGO:   I just can't believe that I tasked you guys to take care of my interests and you left a loophole that large in the contract.   I almost feel like this was something that might have been done on purpose.  

Ringo was then in very visible rage.

RINGO:   God damn it!

Ringo then beat his fist into the table as the lawyer jumped up and tried to restore some order.

LAWYER:   Whoa!   Johnny!   Chill just a minute.   There is no conspiracy against you by us.   There were simply some changes in the regulatory codes and.............

The lawyer then stood there in brain shocked silence as it was almost as if he was about to say something he wasn't supposed to.   The lawyer stood there expressionless for about 5 seconds and Ringo was losing his cool even more.

RINGO:    Why in the hell are you hesitating?    Spit it out!

The lawyer fumbled for a minute, re-asserted himself, and was about to explain but suddenly the Board of Directors walked in.

Ringo kept his glaze fixed on the lawyer, but was also anxious for an explanation from the Board of Directors.

RINGO:   You all have some explaining to do.

The Fat Guy, as Ringo always called him, took his seat in his chair and glared at Johnny with menace.

FAT GUY:   You are nothing more than a little arrogant prick.   Wining like a little schoolboy.   Walking around here like you are some type of big shit.   Listen here boy.   We pull the purse strings around here.  The board here convened before the Chapter 3 PPV and you were nothing more than a disrespectful little punk who had no business running a company.
HOT WOMAN:   The way you talked to us was NOT ok.   You totally disregarded all of our suggestions and came across like a rude schoolboy.

An angry Ringo responded.

RINGO:   So does that mean you are going to spank me?    I'm totally game.

The hot woman started to smirk for a tad second, but then put her head in her hands, and admonished Ringo.

HOT WOMAN:   That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
RINGO:   Ok.   Fine.   So you brought someone else in because you don't think I'm capable and because you don't like my attitude?     Is this correct?
FAT GUY:   Yes.
RINGO:   And there is where I have a serious problem.   That is why I was so "cocky" before the Chapter 3 PPV.    We have a 10 show contract.   I'm not even into show 3 and I'm already getting my balls busted.
FAT GUY:   Yes but......
RINGO:   Hold on a second!   Let me finish.   We have a 10 show contract and before we started all of this everyone assured me they would be "hands off".   "Hands off", "Hands off", "Hands off", you all repeated like a mantra.   Over and over.   I brief you guys on everything and the only time I'm required to do so is annually per our agreement.   The board meeting before Chapter 3 was, quite frankly, an insult because everyone decided to do it at the last second, and then complain about the direction, when you had plenty of time to do so when this was all rolled out months ago.    If significant changes were required we could have discussed this in advance or at least a few days before the PPV.   Not on the day of!

The nerdy guy stood up and intervened.

NERDY GUY:    The buy numbers for the Chapter 3 PPV sucked Johnny.    Let's just be straight.   They were downright horrendous.    Only 9 total buys for $3.99.    I mean, if that is not a bust, what is?
RINGO:   This is a long term project.   People will buy them over time when they emotionally invest into the stories.    I made it clear that this project would lose money for at least 1 year, and perhaps 3 years.
NERDY GUY:    Yes, but............
FAT GUY:   That is a big leap of faith!    We put a lot of money into this project.   It needs to succeed Johnny!
ARROGANT GUY:   It must succeed!
RINGO:    You are not telling me anything I don't already know.   The PPV is only a small portion of the profitability of this franchise and everyone in this room knows that.   We have made budget every month.   Ticket sales could go up but have been good.  Everything is completely on track.   We are not paying the bills with borrowed money.   I think you all are just sore because of a communication mishap and I don't appreciate it.   I will admit I was rude and I apologize for that. 
FAT GUY:   I don't like you.   Let me make that clear.   But we invested in this business and we will use our power to do what is best for it when it is best for it.
RINGO:   So who is this new woman?
FAT GUY:   Don't worry.   You will find out soon enough...............Hahahahahahaha.

Ringo wasn't impressed as he sat with his arms folded as he pondered.

RINGO:    So details.   What has changed?
HOT WOMAN:      Your new Co-chairman decides who is hired and fired.  You will still decide what venues we choose and the marketing strategy.   She will decide on what rules are allowed and disallowed.  You will manage the talent.    She will manage the "look and feel" of the production.  Since both of you own the exact amount of shares, and one doesn't exceed the other, both of you will have the right to veto the other's decision, but then each action must be determined by an outcome.   Of which, we hope, is stuff that happens in the ring with the talent.
RINGO:   I get the idea..........but I don't like it.   You want to challenge me and/or push me out.   I get it.  And, everytime myself and this new woman are at a deadlock, you want us to use the talent as pawns to settle our disputes.  
HOT WOMAN:   Precisely.
RINGO:   That's cold. 
HOT WOMAN:   Precisely.     But not as cold as you.........Johnny Ringo.   Your new co-chairman will address that in a little while.
RINGO:   I'm looking forward to meeting this "co-chairman".
HOT WOMAN:    Actually, to be even more precise, it's your new "co-chairwoman".   And No.   No you are not looking forward to meeting her.   I can assure you.

Ringo looked at the hot woman with steely eyes as everyone got up.   

FAT GUY:   We will talk more about this later.    You got a show to run here.    Get the job done or get the hell out.
RINGO:    We will see who goes and stays.  
FAT GUY:   You are nothing but all talk you sniveling douchebag.
RINGO:   Go ahead and say that one more time.

The fat guy looked at his contemporaries and just smiled as he motioned them all to leave as they walked out the door.    Ringo then spoke to himself as they had finally left the room.

RINGO:   Talk about having your world flipped upside down.    Why don't you finish what you were going to tell me before they walked in.
LAWYER:   I gotta go.

Before Johnny could say anything in rebuttal the lawyer quickly shuttled himself out the door.

RINGO:    Something isn't right here.   Something very fishy is going on.   I wonder what?

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